Ayurveda Beauty Therapies Course | Ayurveda Pura Academy
Ayurveda Pura Academy

Ayurvedic Beauty Therapies Course

Regular price £420.00 £0.00 Unit price per


Course content and what you will learn:

  • Introduction to principles of Ayurveda
  • Explanation of the 3 Doshas or body types and their characteristics
  • Determining one's Dosha type
  • Important Marma points on the body that relate to beauty treatments and different Doshas and body constitutions
  • Learn to adapt Ayurvedic beauty techniques to suit a client's body constitution or Dosha
  • Ayurvedic detoxification to enhance inner and outer beauty Ayurvedic Facials: principles and practice
  • Ayurvedic facials with Ubtan (Ayurvedic herbal powders mixed together for herbal scrub of the face)
  • Ayurvedic hand massage: Integrating into manicure rituals including anti aging hand treatments
  • Ayurvedic Foot massage: Integrating into pedicure ritual
  • Ayurvedic Abdominal massage: Anti-cellulite massage to get rid of the tough subcutaneous fat around the abdominal region.
  • Ayurvedic herbal masks and preparations based on body types.
  • Herbs and combinations in Ayurvedic beauty and their preparation

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