agni digestive fire Ayurveda Ayurveda Basic ayurveda course online Ayurveda daily ayurveda food fasting ayurveda ginger lemon tea kapha food pitta food vata food vegan ayurveda vegetarian ayurveda
Cucumber and Coriander Smoothie Recipe: Handful of fresh coriander leaves Half cucumber ½ inch fresh ginger root 1 teaspoon of mix of cumin powder, fennel powder and turmeric: Chop them up, put them in a blender, add some warm water and give it a whizz. And there you go, the Ayurvedic green smoothie is ready to go. Best time to consume this smoothie: Mid morning around 11am, when the body clock is just getting into Pitta – heat related time. Benefits: Helps to reduce Pitta, heat and inflammation Helps to cleanse the liver. Helps to cleanse the blood Removes...
Did you know when we use the word Kansa Vati in Ayurveda it literally means a Bronze Bowl or cup? Bronze or Kansa is also known as one of the healing metals in Ayurveda and hence very widely used in Ayurveda Kansa Vati foot massages. Kansa has alkalising properties. Hence it has an anti inflammatory, Pitta or heat reducing property. Kansa Bowl massage is usually given to the feet only. As we all know in Ayurveda, one of the best ways to reduce heat or Pitta in the body is foot massages. Hence when foot is massaged with a Kansa bowl, one will see enhanced...
With summer here, temperatures will start to rise and so will the bright sunny weather. On one hand we will be enjoying this welcome change but on the other hand this is the time to take care of our eyes too. Eyes: According to Ayurveda eyes are fire related organs. The best way to explain that is – You can see normally but if you are in a dark room, you will say – I can’t see anything. But if someone lights a flame or fire, you look towards fire and say oh yes now I can see. This means we...
In Ayurveda, how you start your day is very essential. Its the same exact way that when you start cooking, even the temperature of the pan or the amount of oil you put into the pan to cook with or the amount herbs or spices used will affect the end result of that dish. How you start your morning affects the whole day. Read below morning routines of some people who have written to me. Everyone has their own unique signature morning routine. Here is mine: My usual morning routine is to wake up around 5.30 to 6am (sometimes earlier)....