Ginger Marinated Chicken –  Infused With Coconut Milk


marnadeChicken Marinade:

  • Chicken breasts – 2 moderate sized – chop in small cubes
  • Ginger paste – 1 tspn
  • Garlic paste: 1 tspn
  • Turmeric: ¾  tspn
  • Red chilli powder – ½ tspn
  • Chopped green chillies – 1 (optional)
  • Mix all the above and keep aside for 15 minutes


  • Oil  – 3 tablespoons
  • Onions: 2 moderate sized – chopped
  • Green chillies whole – 1 or 2 optional (if you like spicy)
  • Cumin seeds – ¼ tspn
  • Mustard seeds – ¼ tspn
  • Ginger paste – ½ tspn
  • Garlic paste – ½ tspn
  • Tomatoes – 2 moderate size, finely chopped
  • Coconut milk – 2 – 3 tablespoons (or more if you like) but not too much; maximum 4 tablespoons
  • Cumin powder – ½ tspn
  • Garam masala ¼ tspn (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • Chopped coriander for garnish

chicken 4Instructions:

  • Heat oil to hot.
  • Add green chillies (optional).
  • Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds.
  • Then add chopped onions. Cook until golden brown.
  • Add ginger paste and garlic paste. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • Add turmeric powder and red chilli powder. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes. Cook until tomatoes go soft. Close with lid and cook for a few minutes. Keep stirring so that it doesn’t get burnt.
  • Add the chicken marinade with chicken. Cook until chicken pieces start going white. Keep stirring so that chicken doesn’t get burnt.
  • Add coconut milk. Cook with the lid closed until chicken starts getting cooked.
  • Add cumin powder and garam masala (optional).
  • Add salt for taste.
  • Add ½ cup of water or add amount of water based on how thick or thin you want the gravy to be.
  • Cook with the lid closed for further 10 minutes on low flame.


  • Garnish with fresh copped coriander.
  • Best served with Chapathis or white rice and green salad


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