Get Spring Ready With Ayurveda

anu nasya oil ayurveda for spring chyawanprash dr deepa ayurveda kitchadi kitchari manjistha pippali shadbindu oil spring ayurveda triphala tulsi

As the season of spring is upon us, it’s important to support our bodies with the right diet, herbs, and lifestyle to stay healthy and energized. Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing, offers a variety of holistic tips for doing just that.


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From incorporating herbs like Tulsi and Chyawanprash into your diet, to making small changes to your lifestyle, these Ayurvedic tips will help you get spring-ready and feeling your best.

The Ayurvedic Approach To Spring                                                        

In Ayurveda, spring is the junction between two seasons – winter and summer. Just the way Doshas are mobile in nature and environment due to change of season, likewise, Doshas and toxins are mobile within our bodies.

Ayurveda says it’s easiest to eliminate excess Doshas and toxins while they are mobile. Therefore spring is one of the best times for an Ayurvedic spring cleanse or detox. The aim of such a cleanse is to regulate your Agni or digestive fire so that you are summer – ready!

A well-rounded approach to achieving this involves using the right diet, herbs and lifestyle choices. Herbal teas such as Pure Tulsi Tea, Cinnamon & Ginger and Ginger and Lemon can be incredibly beneficial in strengthening your immunity, promoting healthy digestion and eliminating toxins from the body. In addition to herbal teas, it is important to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as foods that are nourishing and easy to digest. Incorporating these elements into your diet will help you get the most out of spring and avoid any potential diseases associated with the change in weather.

Diet Tips For Spring                                                                

When it comes to your diet in spring, aim to focus on light and warm foods. Swap out heavy, cold and damp winter foods for dishes that are nourishing yet light. Try to eat predominantly cooked, warming foods such as soups, stews and lightly steamed vegetables. Include plenty of spices such as cumin, coriander, fennel and turmeric.

Reduce sweet and sour flavours which increase Kapha. Avoid excess dairy and cold drinks, as these can aggravate Kapha.

Herbs For Spring                                                                 

As spring approaches, the Ayurvedic tradition recommends adding certain herbs into our daily routine in order to support the season’s specific qualities. Herbs like Manjistha, Pippali, Triphala, and Tulsi are especially beneficial for this time of year.

Manjistha is known for its blood cleansing, liver cleansing properties. As the allergy season approaches this herb helps to strengthen the systems to alleviate allergies like Hay fever.

Triphala is an Ayurvedic blend of three fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – that helps detoxify the body and promote overall digestive health. It’s useful for improving gut health, boosting immunity, and increasing energy levels.

Tulsi, or holy basil, is a herb native to India that has numerous medicinal benefits. It’s known as a natural detoxifier, helping to rid the body of toxins and reduce inflammation. It’s also said to increase mental clarity and concentration.

Pippali also known as long pepper forms an essential part of the Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. It is known for its immune boosting properties that aid towards preventing seasonal allergies

Spring is the time for seasonal allergies like Hay Fever. Ayurveda gifts us with the ever effective nasal oils like Anu Nasya Oil or Shadbindu Oil. 2 drops of this oil in each nostril every morning will help keep all seasonal allergies at bay

Lifestyle Tips For Spring                                                              

Spring is the ideal time to reset your body and mind, and what better way to do it than with a spring cleanse. Kitchari is an Ayurvedic dish that makes an excellent foundation for a detox. It consists of rice, yellow split mung beans, various spices and herbs, and can be made quickly and easily. Eating only Kitchari and steamed salads for 3-5 days can help to remove, kick start weight loss, and rejuvenate your system. 

Spring is a time of renewal and what better way to honour the change in season than creating some small changes in your daily routine.

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Dr Deepa 🙏

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  • Diane on

    Its amazing to read how small changes can help. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • Annie on

    Really enjoyed reading your article. Keep up the good work 👏

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